For solo singing there are prescribed songs (other than for age 16-18).
If a competition has a 'prescribed song', your child must sing that song - they cannot choose a different song.
**Important** Enter the competition based on school year / age on 1 October 2025 (the time of the Royal National Mòd) - so, for example:
Songs for 2025 are:
Use the list above to find the correct song, then download the words, music (and helpful audio files of both words and music) from the 'Junior Solo' section of the An Comunn Gàidhealach online shop.
For traditional singing there are no prescribed songs - it is 'own choice'. However, you should make sure the song you choose is in the traditional Gaelic style. Get in touch if you need help with this.
You must bring one spare copy of the sheet music, with words in Gaelic, on the day of the competition, so we can give this to the judge. Your child may not be able to compete if they don't bring this.
The traditional singing competitions for 2025 are:
For duet singing there are no prescribed songs - the pair should sing one Gaelic song of their choice. Duet singing must be 'in harmony' (not 'in unison').
You must bring two spare copies of the sheet music, with words in Gaelic, on the day of the competition. This is so we can give these to the Gaelic and music judges. The children may not be able to compete if they don't bring these.
The duet singing competitions for 2025 are:
These age groups mean, for example, that a 17-year old can sing a duet with a 14-year old, but they would need to enter the under 19 competition.
Songs can be sung in any key - choose the key that best suits your child’s voice. You don't have to stick to the key written on the prescribed music sheet.
Children should sing the version of the melody on the prescribed music sheet, but the rhythms can be sung taking account of Gaelic stresses (for example, accents that lengthen words) and local dialect variations.
There is no musical accompaniment. However, children can have a ‘starting note’ i.e. the first note of their song played just before they start - this can be really helpful!
Children should not refer to music or words during their performance - they should perform from memory. This can seem daunting at first, and means that a fair bit of practice is needed, but it usually comes together in the end!
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